Happy International Women's Day! Although we need to celebrate ourselves as women everyday, today reminds us all to be still and really feel into what it truly means for us to be a woman. We often have so many ideals, beliefs and images in our mind as to what makes us women. I know that I have bought into it over the years, and I am only now in recent years truly exposing what ideals, beliefs and images have been holding me back as a true woman and expressing that femaleness from deep within.
I see now that for me being a true woman means to honour my feelings always and un-apologetically. Lovingly attend to what my body needs, honour it, feed it with nourishing food and move it with loving gentle exercise. Make my space beautiful, supportive and an expression of all that I am. Whether it be my bedroom, living room, car or office make these spaces reflect who I am.

Being a woman is not about identifying as a mum, a sister, a daughter, a wife. These are only expressions, they are not who we are, we are always women first before we are any of these roles. Wear make-up because you are re-connecting to your Divine Essence and because it’s how you celebrate your beauty. Make up is not for hiding and not because you are afraid of what people will see if you have no make-up on. Being a woman is knowing what true sexiness is and not confusing it with sexual objectification. Sexiness is celebrating your body, beauty and grace through the emanation of knowing what is truly you, what is not and making choices that honour this. There is more to you than your body parts. Sexually objectifying ourselves and making our body our currency is often mis-interpreted as being empowered or self-confident. This is an illusion that is consatantly being fed to us by our outer world. Every time you look to the outer for recognition, validation and "LIKES" you are confirming your feeling of lacking self-confidence, you dis-empower yourself and bury these issues deeper and deeper into the body and being. Understanding all of this and living it consistently in every moment is always being challenged by the world around us. We will not be perfect, we will often falter and subscribe to those imposed ideals, beliefs and images that have been our long chosen energy that we have walked with throughout our lives. But while we are committed to lifting the veil on that which keeps us in these illusions about what a woman is and we commit to not comparing ourselves to one another, we need to be kind and understanding with ourselves. For only then can we truly support and encourage other women to do the same.